Alcohol policy
Since January 1st of 2014, the Dutch government has prohibited serving alcohol to persons who have not reached the age of 18. Therefore, Stichting KEI has a zero-tolerance policy for serving alcoholic beverages to people under the age of 18 for its own events. We also have a clear policy on drugs, in line with laws and regulations of the Dutch government. Drugs are therefore prohibited at all times. This applies to both the use and sale of the prohibited substances.
For example, with regard to the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, different wristbands are used for minors and adults who are participating in the KEI-week. This distinction is also clearly visible in the dark and it is clear at a glance whether or not a KEI-participant is allowed to drink alcohol. The wristband for minors, which is in addition to access to all events also used as a means of payment, is recognized in this way by the crew of the KEI-week.
In addition, the KEI-leader is well instructed during the KEI-leader training prior to the KEI-week. During the KEI-leader training, attention is also drawn to how peer pressure can be prevented and what the KEI-leader’s influence is in this process.