You can buy your ticket for KEI-week 2024 here from now on! An early bird ticket cost €47, a late bird ticket cost €52. There is a maximum amount of early bird tickets, so be quick before they sell out!
External tickets
Are you a senior student? A limited number of external tickets are available from the first of August for some events during the KEI-week!
Click here to buy an external ticket for the Final Party!
Click here to buy an external ticket for the Open Air Festival!
Click here to buy an external ticket for the Pub Crawl!
Note: KEI-lopers, KEI-leaders and crew do not need to buy external tickets!
Can I receive a refund if I have paid but choose not to attend the KEI-week?
It is not possible to claim a refund for any previously paid for ‘articles’ such as a ticket for the KEI-week. We advise you to wait with your registration until you are accepted at the university/school. We don’t have a maximum of participants for the KEI-week, so you can always sign up online for the KEI-week until the 14th of August.
Can you join the same KEI-group as a friend?
Yes, it is possible to join a KEI-group with one friend. Mention this in the registration form and you will be placed in the same KEI-group. We can only match you if you give the right e-mail adres. You can only join a KEI-group with one friend. It is not possible to join with three or more people.
What is the deadline for registration?
The (online) registrations will be open until Wednesday before the KEI-week, 7th of August 18:00. It is also possible to register on the Monday of the KEI-week at the Day Registration in the Academy Building or via our website. If you registrate before the 7th, you will know your KEI-group before the KEI-week. When you registrate on Monday the 12th, you’ll be placed in a group later that day.