For KEI-leaders
When can you sign up to become a KEI-leader?
This year you can sign up from the 8th till the 12th of May to become a KEI-leader.
PAY ATTENTION: It does not matter at which moment of the week you register, after the registration a random selection will take place.
After you have been selected as a KEI-leader you will have to confirm your registration. This confirmation will take place in July, the exact date and time will be announced later.
What is the maximum number of KEI-leaders per group?
KEI-leaders are most often in duos. However, it is possible to have three persons as KEI-leaders of a KEI-group. For the third KEI-leader an amount of 47 euros needs to be paid for access to the KEI-events. The first two KEI-leaders always have free access to all KEI-events. When signing up, you can indicate with whom you want to become KEI-leaders. All registrations will be confirmed by mail.
For KEI-participants
What does ‘KEI’ stand for?
KEI stands for “Kommissie Eerstejaars Introduktie” , which can be translated as “The commission for the introduction of first-year students”. The KEI-week is the general introduction week for all incoming higher education students, both at the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. The KEI-week is the oldest, largest and cheapest introduction week in the Netherlands.
When does the KEI-week takes place?
The KEI-week 2024 takes place from 12th until the 16th of August!
Who can sign up for the KEI-week?
The KEI-week is organized for all first year students of the University of Groningen, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Obstetric Academy Amsterdam Groningen, Stenden University of Applied Sciences and HBO-NL with age 16 or above. Pre-Master and Master students are also more than welcome! The KEI-week can also be attended by international students (if you are an international student, you can be placed in a ‘mixed group’: a group with Dutch-speaking and English-speaking students). In addition, the KEI-week can also be visited by students with support needs. For example, the events are (almost all) wheelchair friendly.
Can I receive a refund if I have paid but choose not to attend the KEI-week?
It is not possible to claim a refund for any previously paid for ‘articles’ such as a ticket for the KEI-week. We advise you to wait with your registration until you are accepted at the university/school. We don’t have a maximum of participants for the KEI-week, so you can always sign up online for the KEI-week until the 14th of August.
What is the deadline for registration?
The (online) registrations will be open until Wednesday before the KEI-week, 7th of August 18:00. It is also possible to register on the Monday of the KEI-week at the Day Registration in the Academy Building or via our website. If you registrate before the 7th, you will know your KEI-group before the KEI-week. When you registrate on Monday the 12th, you’ll be placed in a group later that day.
Can you join the same KEI-group as a friend?
Yes, it is possible to join a KEI-group with one friend. Mention this in the registration form and you will be placed in the same KEI-group. We can only match you if you give the right e-mail adres. You can only join a KEI-group with one friend. It is not possible to join with three or more people.
When is the KEI-office open during the KEI-week?
During the KEI-week the KEI-office (Oude Kijk in het Jatstraat 5) is open at the following times:
Monday: 08:00-19:00
Tuesday: 09:00-18:00
Wednesday: 09:00-18:00 (contactable till 18:00 on whatsapp)
Thursday: 10:00-18:00 (contactable till 18:00 on whatsapp)
Friday: 10:00-17:00 (contactable till 18:00 on whatsapp)
What does the KEI-week have to offer?
During the KEI-week you get to know all the different aspects of Groningen. The KEI-week provides general information about renting a room student grants. You can also get in touch with sports organizations, student societies and other sorts of associations. Besides all this, there will be a lot of festivities and activities which you can participate in.
Can the KEI-week be seen as hazing?
No, not at all! You should see the KEI-week primarily as something that is just fun to do. It is a week full of information and activities. Signing up for the KEI-week does not mean you are obligated to participate in the events. You are free to join the events you like.
Is it possible for me to change KEI-groups during the KEI-week?
Yes it is. If you want to change your KEI-group for any reason you can contact the PAND-crew. To do so, you can call them (050 363 80 90), email them (info@keiweek.nl) or contact them via Whatsapp (+31 6 4422 6680).
If you have found another group which you think is more fun or suits you better? Thats also possible, you’ll will have to contact the PAND-crew about your replacement. This is important because we need to know which group you’re a part of in case of an emergency.
What is the ticket price for the KEI-week?
A ticket for the KEI-week prior to the KEI-week has a price of €47. When these tickets are sold out, there will come late bird tickets available of €52. With these prices the KEI-week is the most affordable general introduction week of the Netherlands.
Can I participate in the KEI-week with a functional disability?
We strive to make the KEI-week accessible to everyone. You can indicate on the registration form that you have a support question or functional disability. You can also specify these further in the form, so that we as an organization can find appropriate solutions. You can also indicate whether you want to be in a group with other people with a functional disability, or if you would like to be placed with your friends.
Do you want more information or do you have any questions? Send an email to info@keiweek.nl and we will contact you. We will then look together at how we can take your request into account prior to the KEI-week, so that you will experience a fantastic week!
During the KEI week you can always contact the organization via the general telephone number in case you have a question about, for example, transport or accessibility of an event. We will do our best to provide a suitable solution at that time.
What are the general house regulations of the KEI-week?
You can find the house regulations here
1. Enter at your own risk.
2. After leaving the event area it is not possible to re-enter the party.
3. If the maximum number of visitors is met, the organization maintains the right to deny access.
4. No alcoholic beverages are served to any person under the age of 18.
5. It is illegal to serve alcoholic beverages to any person under the age of 18.
6. It is illegal to bring your own beverages, glassware, plastic bottles, cans, drugs, fireworks, firearms, weapons of any kind, dangerous items and professional recording equipment to the event.
7. Aggressive and/or racist behavior is not tolerated.
8. At entry, visitors need to be able to identify themselves. Without personal identification, access to the event cannot be guaranteed. Age can only be confirmed by a valid form of personal identification like a passport, ID-card and/or drivers license. Copies or photos of valid identification are not allowed.
9. The organization enforces the smoking policy strictly. At indoors locations smoking is only allowed in the designated areas.
10. Heavy medication, foods and/or fluids necessarily for allergies and/or illness are allowed if they are included in a medication passport. A medication passport is available for free at every pharmacy, however, keep in mind that there is a waiting time of 3 weeks 11. Every visitor is obliged to be searched at entry. With entering the event permission for the search is granted. If a visitor is not willing to cooperate with the search, this results in expulsion of the event, without compensation for the ticket.
12. Access can be denied if a visitor is under influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
13. Security guards are present for the safety for the visitors and the event. Therefore, you are obliged to follow orders of the security guards at the event location.
14. Pay attention to each other and keep other people in mind. If someone is feeling unwell or has had too much alcohol, stop serving alcohol to the visitor. First aid is present during the entire duration of the event.
15. Violent behavior, aggression, discrimination, provocation and unwanted intimacies or other unwanted offensive behavior is not tolerated. If this behavior is observed, expulsion of the event follows. Police is noticed if necessary.
16. Visitors that throw with drinks are expulsed.
17. Visitors are liable for damage caused by them. This includes damage to equipment as a result of throwing drinks.
18. Sound equipment can cause hearing damage. The organization is in no way liable for any hearing damage that can originate at the event.
For Parents
Can the KEI-week be seen as an initiation?
No, not at all! You should see the KEI-week primarily as something that is just fun to do. It is a week full of information. Signing up for the KEI-week does not mean you are obligated to participate in the online events. You are free to join the events you like.