Transgressive sexual behaviour

Stichting KEI finds it important that you enjoy a good start of your student time. Meeting new people, going out and gaining new experiences. Everyone is looking forward to it, but only if it is fun for everyone. Everybody has different limits. And that is okay. Together, we make sure everyone has a good time. Do you think someone is being harassed, or do you see inappropriate behavior? Help the other and ask the question: ‘Are you okay?’ This way, together we work towards an amazing KEI-week for everyone!

Stichting KEI as an organization takes measures to prevent inappropriate behaviour as much as possible. All our volunteers, both crews and KEI-leaders, are informed what to do in a situation where someone is victim to unacceptable behaviour. Besides that, ‘Are you okay?’ posters are spread, for example in the bars that join the pub crawl.

Do you experience unacceptable behaviour or do you see someone who is being harassed? Then report this to one of our confidential (contact) persons.

Do you need help? You can reacht the Sexual Assault Center day and night for help, at 0800-0188. For more information, have a look at