KEI-week 2021 organizes terrace festival


An entire year the organization of the KEI-week has been working with different scenarios to make sure first year students get the best start of their student years in Groningen. Part of this was the organization of parties, but unfortunately due to the coronameasures these can not take place. We want to offer you as KEI-participants the festive start of your student years that you deserve. That’s why this year as a replacement of the parties KEI-participants can party on the KEI-terrace on Monday, Tuesday and Friday!

During the Terrace Festival KEI-participants can meet their KEI-group in a safe way to celebrate the start of their student years. The KEI-terrace will be just as fun as a KEI-week with parties, and will be the perfect way to get to know each other, the city and student life in Groningen.. All other events, such as the Information Market, Sportplaza and the informative inside events will take place at full capacity. 

In short,  like every other year this KEI-week will be the best start of your student years in Groningen!