KEI-programme Tuesday

It’s Tuesday! Day 2 of the KEI-week.
Today we have a filled programme with the following parts. In the afternoon, you can learn about the serious side of student life with the workshop by the Young Democrats on “Politics for Dummies” (online in Dutch) or the KEI-talk about making a career during your student life. At 16:30 you can join the workshop Lifehacks for Students by the student association A.S.V Dizkartes. In the evening, you can watch Late Night KEI, the talk show about studying, student life and much more. Thereafter, we’ll finish the day with a digital pub quiz hosted by ESN. Check out the full programme below
15:30 Workshop – Politics for dummies by Jonge Democraten
16:00 KEI talks – Healthy life as a student + making career during your study
16:30 Workshop – Lifehacks for students by A.S.V. Dizkartes
20:00 Late Night KEI – The talk show about student life and much more
21:00 Workshop – Pubquiz by ESN
Have a great day!