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Corona infection volunteer KEI foundation


We have been informed that one of the volunteers of the KEI Foundation has been tested positive for COVID-19. The source-and-contact research carried out by the GGD was started today once the result came back positive. The positive-tested volunteer has been in close contact with five other KEI volunteers before the KEI-week. These five people have been placed in quarantine directly after for the next 14 days after having heard the news from the GGD. Currently, they do not show any symptoms of COVID-19. However, due to their close contact with the contaminated volunteer they have gone into quarantine. The source-and-contact research still needs to conclude whether or not more people have been in close contact with the contaminated volunteer.

The volunteer was contaminated prior to the beginning of the KEI-week and has not been present at any KEI events these past few days. Seeing as the contaminated volunteer hasn’t attended any KEI events, there is currently no further reason for assumptions that any of the visitors of KEI events these past few days have been contaminated. After close contact with the GGD Groningen, the KEI Foundation has decided to continue with the programme of the KEI-week as planned.

The priority for the KEI Foundation currently lies with the health and safety of the visitors and volunteers of the KEI-week. For this reason, there is continuous contact with all relevant parties such as the Regional Safety Team Groningen, the GGD Groningen, the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences.