Bustransport in the KEI-week
During the KEI week you can often take a bus to and from the events. Stichting KEI uses buses so that you do not always have to cycle. Below you can find out for which events bus transport has been arranged, and also where the buses depart and arrive again. So if you don’t feel like cycling, just take the bus together with your KEI group.
Tuesday 16/08:
1 bus from Ossenmarkt to Martiniplaza (event lasts from 14:00 – 17:00)
Wednesday 17/08:
1 bus from Ossenmarkt / 1 bus from Emmaplein to Sportcentrum (event lasts from 13:00 – 18:00)
Thursday 18/08:
2 buses from Ossenmarkt / 1 bus from Emmaplein to Kardingerplas (event lasts from 14:00 to 19:00)
Friday 19/08:
2 buses from Emmaplein to Suikerunieterrein (event lasts from 21:00 – 04:00)
It is important to know that the buses will shuttle between the locations during the times of the event. So you can always take a bus there and back!