Time To Talk

During the KEI-week, there is also a campaign to make students aware of the challenges and temptations of student life. This campaign is called ‘Time to Talk’ and you will see it in many places during the KEI-week. 

The campaign is focussed on the wellbeing of students. In the past few years it’s been made clear that a lot of students deal with mental issues. For example because of the stress during the study, social pressure and financial challenges students can experience difficulties throughout their student life. Also eating healthy, but affordable can be challenging. During the KEI-week there will be different possibilities to listen, talk or get informed about these various themes. 

During the KEI-week you can visit the event; Time To Talk: What’s next? This event will prepare you as a student on the different problems and challenges the student life brings along. Through various talk shows and speakers there will be talks about financial matters, mental problems and combining an active student life and your studie.